Terms of services
SARL Best Restaurants Maroc au capital de 100.000,00 Dhs
RC Marrakech : N° : 44701 – TP : 453.26.513
N° identification TVA : 06904057 – CNSS : 7759931
Siège social : Résidence Maniss Hôtel, Bloc A, 4ème , Appart N°11 – Semlalia - 40 000 Marrakech
La connexion au Site www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com implique l'acception des présentes Conditions Générales d'Utilisation.
Intellectual property rights
The www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com website constitutes as intellectual property that Reserve the Best in France is the author as indicated in articles L. 111.1 and following the Code of intellectual property.
All material available on the website www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com including photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated videos with or without sound, and all intellectual creations integrated into the Bestrestaurantsmaroc.com site are the property of the Reserve Best in France or third parties that haveauthorized Reserve the est in France to use them.
Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the website www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com without obtaining prior permission from the Reserve the Best in France is strictly prohibited and constitutes copyright infringement.
Trademark rights
The name Bestrestaurantsmaroc.com the Bestrestaurantsmaroc.com logo are trademarks of Reserve the Best in France. Other brands are cited; they are in principle identified with a capital letter.
The reproduction, representation, use, adaptation or modification of these brands without the prior permission of the Reserve the Best in France is strictly prohibited and constitutes copyright infringement.
Reserve the Best in France can not be responsible for directst and indirect damages, including material damage, data loss, financial loss that may result from the connection or use of the website www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com or information contained therein.
Regulatory compliance and ethics
The website is operated by Bestrestaurantsmaroc.com Reserve the Best in France whose registered office is in France and these Terms of Use are subject to French law.
Internet users connecting to the website www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com from countries other than France must ensure compliance with laws applicable to these countries. Reserve the Best in France reserves the right to modify and update these Terms and Conditions being specified at any time and the amendment and updating of the Terms and Conditions as soon as they are needed online.
SAS capital of 500 k € RCS Roubaix - Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011
APE Code 721Z - VAT number: FR 22-424-761-419-00011
Headquarters: 140 Quai du Sartel - 59100 Roubaix - France
Respect for privacy
www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com fact benefit all its customers a personal account, which can receive newsletters, track the history of its reservations or its controls, and retrieve all products ordered from www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com. Access to your personal account is protected by a PIN that is automatically generated when creating your account.
Concerned about protecting your privacy, www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com treats all information concerning you with the strictest confidence.
www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com complies with the National Commission for Computing and Liberties. Under the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and correct data.
www.bestrestaurantsmaroc.com does not sell and does not lease addresses (emails and physical) and personal information about its customers.